

Class CL3D.Light

A class holding the data of a point light.

Class Overview
A class holding the data of a point light. This is used by the CL3D.LightSceneNode to send data to the renderer.

Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Attenuation of the light.
Color of the light
Direction of the light.
Set this to true to make this a directional light
3D Position of the light
Radius of the light.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Creates an exact copy of this light data
Field Detail
{Number} Attenuation
Attenuation of the light. Default is 1 / 100.

{ColorF} Color
Color of the light

{Vect3d} Direction
Direction of the light. Only used if this is a directional light

{Boolean} IsDirectional
Set this to true to make this a directional light

{Vect3d} Position
3D Position of the light

{Number} Radius
Radius of the light. Currently ignored.
Method Detail
Creates an exact copy of this light data

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