

Class CL3D.Vertex3D

A 3d vertex, ususally used in MeshBuffers

Class Overview
A 3d vertex, ususally used in MeshBuffers
{Boolean} init
set to true to let the vertex members (Position, Normal etc) be initialized with instances of classes, false if not.

Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Color of the vertex
Normal of the vertex
3D Position of the vertex
Texture coordinate 1 of the vertex
Texture coordinate 2 of the vertex
Field Detail
{int} Color
Color of the vertex

{Vertex3d} Normal
Normal of the vertex

{Vertex3d} Pos
3D Position of the vertex

{Vertex3d} TCoords
Texture coordinate 1 of the vertex

{Vertex3d} TCoords2
Texture coordinate 2 of the vertex

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