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Image Gallery - Can't add images anymore

Registered User
2021-11-16 00:53:31

Trying to help my daughter with her school project.

She's got several pages, each with an Image Gallery, each with four images. The pages have been copied from other pages and now she wants to change the images in the gallery.

The trouble is that after browsing to the folder containing her source images and selecting a new image, the image in the gallery disappears; it goes blank.

On a completely new project, I notice it tells me the images are large and asks me if I want to make them smaller.
> On her project if does not ask because she ticked the box; how do I get it to ask again?

On my test project; if I say "yes": it puts a copy in a local AppData folder... if I say "no" it links to the original source. The former sets the path as all lower case with forward-slashes "/" and the latter ends up with the path to the file with back-slashes - why the difference and does it matter?

On my daughters project, when she browses for the images, a lot of them now show up as black squares - any thoughts.

Incidentally, adding the same images she having issues with in the Image Gallery to a 4 column container does not present any issues.

It kind of makes it feel like the Image Gallery is a little flaky, but she like the idea of it so any help would be appreciated.

2021-11-16 07:17:45

Hm, that's very strange. What operating system are you using? Maybe macos? If that's it, and you have RocketCake from the Mac App Store, try using the version from this website instead. That version doesn't run in the sandbox, maybe that's the reason for this strange behavior you see.

Yes, the forward/backward slashes don't matter, RocketCake internally accesses the right path.

About the black squares: That's strange, what file format are you using?

Registered User
2021-11-20 11:04:21

The operating system is Windows 7

The images are basic jpg

Registered User
2021-11-20 12:35:12

A concluding update for you.

The issue still persists, however, I have found the following steps lead to a satisfactory conclusion:
1: Click three little dots to locate the new image via Windows explorer.
2. Ignore any blank/black images if viewing thumbnails and select the image file. It will put it in with backslashes pointing at the source location. Note that on first launching the RocketCake app and trying this, the image appears to be ok in the Windows Explorer, however, subsequent viewings may result in blank/black images if viewing thumbnails.
3. Ignore the issue in the gallery where the image appears blank.
4. Save the page and shut down Rocket Cake (we have v4)
5. Open up the project again
6 See the image in the gallery is present and looking good. Also, for info, note the path has changed to lower case and forward slashes.

I'll leave it with you to determine if this is a bug or just plain strange and unusual

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