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Texture bug

Registered User
2021-08-09 11:45:51

So my game has broken again. All of a sudden, half of my textures are not displaying properly. (They do not get exported with the game).

Any way to repair this and get my game back again please?

It started with a glitch on reflective textures and any textures moved by wind - but now most of my textures are either completely missing completely or appear/disappear as the player moves around the scene.

Also the collision ellipsoids now appear as a transparent spheres in the game (they shouldn't be visible at all).

Also some events (on proximity) don't work any more such as the footstep sounds (could be that the entire model is now somehow missing, not just the texture).

Also water doesn't seem to be working either.

This affects textures on all different scenes of the game - not just the main map.

Probably a corrupt ccb file?

Here's the game so you can see/test what's happening... (70mb exe)



Registered User
2021-08-09 17:27:17


I've managed to recover it using the following method:

I opened an older version of the ccb and added a new scene.

I then imported the broken scene into the new scene, then deleted the original, renamed the new scene and then saved.

*Edit - almost everything works - models, textures and sounds. The only thing that wasn't working was the scene's ambient light, background colour and wind settings (because I'd added a new scene and imported the old one). So it was then just a case of copying those settings manually.

I think now - everything works, 100% recovered!

Registered User
2021-08-10 10:54:09

I'm glad for you that everything works. I noticed that if you start the computer after hibernation, then the Copper Cube will jerk a little and at this moment it is not worth saving the project. To fix this, I just update windows (f5) and move some object.

2021-08-10 12:54:19

Thank you! Ngame You're correct.

I noticed that the power cable on my laptop is a bit loose (sometimes my computer switches power mode because of this).

I just realised that if coppercube is saving when this happens, it corrupts the ccb file.

If the game is publishing when this happens, it gives an "Error, Internal Error".

I need to fix my power connector.

2021-08-11 06:00:54

Aaaahhh, Glad that nothing is lost, never thought having backups can be useful to recover a corrupt project as well. Thanks for sharing this valuable information @VeganPete an @Ngame

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