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Have any of you tried modeling in VR ?

Registered User
2020-10-04 13:20:30


Purchased the Quest just so that I can try modeling in VR...when I can realize I can draw EXACTLY the curvature I want straight in VR...I almost cried...but I stopped myself because I don't want to damage the device ;p

Please try will have a sense that we are at the beginning of something really big.

Oh did I forget to mention that the build in texture baking tools in Blender is amazing ?
It is !

I have people coming to me in the VR environment asking me how come the lighting looks so good, I told them it is just Blender doing what it is doing, nothing extra was added !

It seems people in the VR world who is used to depending on Unity's light baking feature wasn't aware that Blender have an absolutely formidable baking/rendering system that easily outmatch most game engines.

2020-10-05 08:40:20

I saw your video and that was really cool... Creating 3D geometry using VR... Thats next level of technology..😇

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