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Download a Rocketcake website in entirety?

Registered User
2020-07-01 03:07:12

I wish to install rocketcake professional on another computer, and would like to be able to download my entire website to the new computer so I can modify it there. The computers are not in close proximity to one another physically.

Let me explain: I need to be able to collaborate on the website, so I need to be able to download and modify it from more than one computer in different physical locations.

Is that possible?

Registered User
2020-07-01 05:14:23

I believe what you need is a CMS to manage your content. Although you can send your original rocketcake file to the next person who will edit the original rc content... the changes made between the two rc files will not synchronize since both files are being modified separately at the same time. Therefore.. it is not possible. That is on my personal viewpoint.

I would suggest you try Surreal CMS and integrate it with Rocketcake.

Registered User
2020-07-01 05:15:19

You can also try cushy cms or sitecake. With these CMS tools you can collaborate and any changes made by others with user access will take effect into your published rc made website.

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