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WEbGL In Mobile Devices, faces Blink

Registered User
2020-06-20 06:42:00

I don't really have much faith. But I still comment on the issue.

In mobile device browsers, moving the camera loses faces of objects. or they blink annoyingly.
Has anyone been able to fix this.
I developed the same project with BabylonJs and it doesn't present this problem. So I rule out that it is a browser problem.
Coppercube editor with Babylon or TreeJs engine would be Super great.

Registered User
2020-06-20 06:57:20

Testing an active irrlitch options, html5 webgl have a better result

Registered User
2020-06-20 15:03:28

Yeah I have noticed this on my projects as well, I thought it was my models but i couldn't see any issue on windows. Thought this was a mobile browser issue but like you said it seem to work for other frameworks

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