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Opening html-files

Registered User
2019-09-30 12:18:54

I tried several times to open some of my html-files (from my previous website) but got the message:

'the document is corrupted or in no web builder file'.

However, all these html-files can be opened with other webdesign programs that I tried.

Is it correct that htm- / html-files cann't be opened with RocketCake ?

Registered User
2019-09-30 15:03:12

Yes, it can only open .rcd files. You need to keep those. On the good side, you only need to keep them, you can forget images and similar, since they are stored in there as well.

Registered User
2019-09-30 21:23:02

So, that means that I have to rewrite all my website html-files when I want to use RocketCake.
This is a real disadvantage of RocketCake and I doubt whether I should continue using this program.
I bought recently the professional version of RocketCake not knowing this big disadvantage of the program.

Registered User
2019-10-01 06:50:29

The reason for this - as far as I know - that there is no way to convert a non-responsive website to a responsive one by a computer. This has to be done by a human, because only humans understand the semantics of a website (that's what I think I undestood, but I might be wrong there).

So, that's basically the reason you cannot import those, only export. Fortunately, it is very quick to re-create websites with RocketCake, I did so with mine, and it took about an afternoon.

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Link [url] [/url]
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