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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Some Basic Requests *holy*

2019-09-06 06:21:42

I know people loves to see huge updates to this cool and tiny piece of software.....but here are some basic functions which i think is require more than those huge big updates.

so the list begins as:-

ccbsetphysicsvelocity should work for all axis. (currently works for 'Y' axis only )

Additonal position and rotation for the Proximty ellipsoid ( there is also a bug in current proximity behavior that sometimes proximity will be detected only with the pivot point or center of the proximity ellipsoid not with the whole ellipsoid)

Camera farplane and nearplane shouldn't affect the Skybox

Node based functionality to add behaviors and actions, so that it will be easier to navigate through all the actions and behaviors (not that much required)

Ragdolls, as @Niko mentioned earlier that he already had implemented this but it works only for windows platform

Collision detection for animated meshes, who wants that their NPC characters get passed through each other's body just like a ghost

Automatic updating of physics geometry, so that when physics engine is on and you hide and object you player won't get collided to it. (currently you have to use the javascript command to solve this)

Ability to rotate a third person character using mouse

More advanced physics

A Few bug removal

currently these are the basic functionality i want to be added to the engine...

Requests never end...

Registered User
2019-09-08 16:43:48

Actually, it's very simple to make rotate third person character, check my script -

But i can't use your Multiplayer plugin anymore, cause you are delete .php files from your server, that's sad...

I was trying to make my server using your plugins, but i really can't learn it. Wayting for your new multiplayer plugin...

(I'm use first multiplayer plugin, cause only it works with windows .exe)

2019-09-09 15:08:41

@rolevix your third person example is really good.... :( btw I know how to rotate the third person character an camera , using mouse.... But i want it as a built in function for the engine as many of newbies require this.....

And for multiplayer plugin... I think you are confusing me with @jaimezegpi, I never had created any multiplayer plugin, neithet i deleted any kind of .php......Sorry for that....

Registered User
2019-09-09 15:34:24

Oh, sorry, it's really was @jaimezegpi
Yep, i want to see built-in third person mouse rotating, cause script wokrs well in .exe, but for .html it need different settings. And this script didn't work on android...

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