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Position reference by javascript

Registered User
2019-01-18 21:45:36

I'm not sure what form I should use to make Position property readable for other nodes :(

This code is functioning but I have to write the XYZ coordinates manually:
var sourceNP1 = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("np1");
var newscenenode1 = ccbCloneSceneNode(sourceNP1);
ccbSetSceneNodePositionWithoutCollision(newscenenode1, 100.0, 10.0, 100.0);
What I need is something like this:
var np1pos = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("box1");
var np1_pos = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(np1pos, "Position");

var sourceNP1 = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("np1");
var newscenenode1 = ccbCloneSceneNode(sourceNP1);
ccbSetSceneNodePositionWithoutCollision(newscenenode1, np1_pos);
I have tried...
np1_pos.x, np1_pos.y, np1_pos.z / np1_pos[0], np1_pos[1], np1_pos[2]
...but it's not working.

Does anyone knows how I should break Position property as a var/vector so that I can use it as a reference for other nodes?

Registered User
2019-01-18 22:24:43

...sorry, the np1_pos.x, np1_pos.y, np1_pos.z is working :)
I've made a mistake few steps before that part of the code.

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