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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > CopperCube Open discussion
Thank you Niko!

Registered User
2018-07-19 08:58:49

Thank you so much for CopperCibe.
Even with it's current limitations, it's still amazing. Let me asure you, you have no competition for the goal your engine aims to achieve.
I can underatand and see that you have such a genius mind.
As a programming for Android apps (Java), I caj understand the stresses of development. People will always be demanding as they will never understand unless they program themselves.
The reason I wanted to use CopperCube is because of how different C++ was to Java.
Java was easily readable (once you understand the terms and syntax) and is object pascal (object oriented).
The issue is, C++ looks way too much like assembly code to me. I really just wanted to create game prototypes without dealing with learning ANOTHER language.
I am thankful for you work as searching for an engine like yours took a month and only yours is the relevant and only existing one.
I congratulate you on your work and your engine.
Let me say it again,
Thank you Niko!

2018-07-19 16:42:09

Thanks! :)

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