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Getting stuck in terrain.

Registered User
2013-05-27 05:29:35

Hi. I'm brining in terrain into CC and when I walk over the terrain I often get stuck.

I have already read this FAQ:

The yellow ellipsoid isn't colliding with a wall or floor.

The terrain was made by a pro using max so I would assume it's clean.

I loaded it into ultimate 3d unwrap and selected all then clicked weld faces but that didn't work.

When I zoom in to an area where I get stuck I can't see any one-sided polygons sticking up.

Could someone tell me how to fix this using ultimate 3d unwrap?

How to merge points, and close geometry?



2013-05-27 20:13:11

That poly sticking up could be indeed the problem. Not sure about ultimate unwrap, but you could maybe also try to fix this in coppercube, using the low poly tools. Also, there is a a tool to "Snap close points together" in CopperCube.

Registered User
2013-05-28 00:46:34

Hi nico. Thank you for your great support!
I did try that snap close points together tool without really knowing what it does but didn't work. Maybe I missed the exact point. I'll try that tool again.



Registered User
2013-05-31 05:06:05


I've been trying to fix this without success. I used the closed points tool in CC but I'm still getting stuck.

Doesn't have any problems in other game engines so it seems CC is very sensitive about this. I wonder if there could be a way in the next release to somehow ignore those small sticking up points.

Anyway my project has been placed on hold for the last 2 weeks because of this thing.

I really need to learn how to fix this.

The mesh looks clean to me; can't see anything sticking up.

Anyway the mesh is from so I can't see why they would miss fixing that.

A lot of people are using their model packs without problems.

I also use other terrain creation tools and the problem happens far too often but not in other game engines. It's very frustrating indeed.


2013-05-31 06:20:27

Hi, there is a way in the just released CopperCube 4.0.4 to change the collision sensitivity. Maybe it helps. Otherwise, you can send me the file and I'll have a look at it and see how you could fix this.

Registered User
2013-05-31 07:50:02

Thanks nico. I'll give the new update a try.

It really looks great!



Registered User
2013-05-31 08:36:24

Sorry Nico, Would you mind giving me a hint as to where that collision sensitivity can be changed in this new version?

Is it a scripted behavior or something built in?

If you could tell me a little more how and where to implement this would be grateful.



2013-05-31 19:03:08

It's the colsmalldistance variable mentioned on the bottom of this page here:
Try setting it to a very small value, maybe it helps. Also, did you try if this is better on a specific publishing target maybe?

Registered User
2013-06-01 10:23:56

Hi. I added that variable to the behavior "start of scene" using the set veritable like this:


I set to a low value of: 0.1 or 0.5 or 1 ... Etc but after trying a lot of different values it didn't make any difference at all.

The flash target has always been fine but for windows it's not good.

I can send you the mesh to your email soon.

Thanks I know you're busy don't do anything with it over the weekend.


2020-01-15 11:16:43

Hi. I added that variable to the behavior "start of scene" using the set veritable like this:


I set to a low value of: 0.1 or 0.5 or 1 ... Etc but after trying a lot of different values it didn't make any difference at all.

The flash target has always been fine but for windows it's not good.

This is an old topic yet still valid:

The 'colsmalldistance' adjustments does indeed make things easier to walk over objects (use like 0.015 - 0.02) or less likely to walk through the walls (using like 0.007 - 0.01) BUT and yes its a BIG 'but' that it still from my testing will not 100% stop the player walk through certain tight spots on your 3D static mesh and out the other side (ie fall through map or walk through the wall).

The solution I found was to create a child copy of the 3d mesh inside the original one but just slightly smaller so instead of 1,1,1 - use 0.99,0.99,0.99 or something like that.

This way you can 2x lots of collisions stopping the player going through walls etc and definitely makes a nice difference - it actually works like 99.99% fine now...

The other benefits of this method is that you now can have different textures for inside and out if you wish. Also the inside mesh can make use of normal textures and the outside one not if you want to use fog there is that benefit also.

ps dont use Blender to add solidify - its stuffs things up.

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