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Terrain node

Registered User
2012-11-09 13:19:39

Hi Nico,

I have a little question.
In Irredit 1.5 there was a terrain scene node, but it isn't present in CopperCube-Irredit. Why ? Is it planned ?
Just a basic terrain scene node like Irredit 1.5 node's can be a very interesting feature for the Irrlicht users.

And a bug that I have find in CopperCube/Irredit :

Test case :
-Create a scene, add a animated mesh.
-File>export>.irr, complete "app work dir" and "file export to">Ok
-Look your .irr file, the path of your animated mesh is something like this "<string name="Mesh" value="c:\users\jean-louis\ptoject\bin\release\data\perso.x" />"
An absolute path, not a relative path...
The path of the statics meshs are correct but I have this problem with all my animateds meshs.

Registered User
2012-12-29 17:26:36

Can you answer please ?

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