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Ambiera Forum > irrEdit
audio problem / or possible bug?

Registered User
2011-04-30 23:36:27

first off, i should mention that im currently learning irredit/coppercube w/ the trial version and im impressed with the learning curve but alass im stumped

so anyway,my question deals with an audio issue im having,

i created a startup screen with a 2d song playing and fixed camera and set a button to switch to the second scene ( the game ) when i noticed that the music i have set for the first sene plays in 3d from the center of the second scene.

is this a bug or do i have a setting wrong .. or perhaps theres a script to fix? i have no idea.. and any help on this would be most appreciated.

thanks in advance,

2011-08-22 20:34:25

Hmm, sounds like a bug to me. Thanks for reporting, I'll have a look at that.

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