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Content Placeholder question

Registered User
2024-03-28 15:52:16

Am I right in thinking there can only be one Content Placeholder (CP) on a webpage. I have a master page where I would like to have a CP for a text title in one container and where I could add page content to a second CP in another container.
If there are multiple CP's on a master there seems no way of specifying which one is used.

Registered User
2024-03-28 16:48:11

Yes, that's true AFAIK

Registered User
2024-03-28 17:21:56

Ok thank you.
Unless prevented by restrictions in HTML, it would be good to add a feature which allowed multiple Content Placeholders on a page, each with a unique id that could be referenced in the editor.

Registered User
2024-03-30 11:15:15

Am I right in thinking there can only be one Content Placeholder (CP) on a webpage. I have a master page where I would like to have a CP for a text title in one container and where I could add page content to a second CP in another container.
This seems to me to be an unnecessarily complicated approach. Why don't you make the text title a part of the page content?

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