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Anti-Spam Contact Form Styling

Registered User
2023-12-09 12:13:58

Both the submit confirmation message (thanks text) and the anti-spam error message are by default set to a pretty small font size. You can change font face, font size, font color, etc to make these messages look better and more prominent.

For example ...

to have the thanks text in Arial, in blue and in larger font size replace the default entry with
<span style="font-size:14pt; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:normal; color:0000FF; line-height: 1.5; ">Thanks for contacting us</span>
to have the anti-spam error message in Arial, in red and in larger font size replace the default entry with
<span style="font-size:14pt; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:normal; color:FF0000; line-height: 1.5; ">Sorry, you need to answer the anti-Spam message correctly.</span>

To note The forum software swallows the hash sign. There must be a hash between color: and the color hex code.

2023-12-09 13:00:21

Yes, thanks for posting, will see if this can be improved.

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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