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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting

Registered User
2023-09-25 08:25:30


Found this engine a while ago, been noodling around every now and then.. :3

Now whilst downloading some scripts from you guys here and there, I noticed no-one is leveraging TypeScript at all ?

Couldn't really find anything on it either..

Soo, I'm nearly done creating types for everything in CC.

Let me know if you guys are interested :)

I'm adding some "advanced" typings, like this, for example:

interface SceneNode {
id: string
Type: NodeTypes
Name: string
Position: vector3d
Rotation: vector3d
Scale: vector3d
Visible: boolean

type NodeKeys = Exclude<keyof NodeProps, 'id'>

* Sets the property value of a scene node.
* - The name is displayed in the editor's property window.
* @param node
* @param property
* @param value
function ccbSetSceneNodeProperty<P extends NodeKeys>(
node: SceneNode,
property: P extends 'Visible' ? P : never,
value: boolean
): void
function ccbSetSceneNodeProperty<P extends NodeKeys>(
node: SceneNode,
property: P extends 'Position' | 'Rotation' | 'Scale' ? P : never,
...args: [value: vector3d] | [x: number, y: number, z: number]
): void
function ccbSetSceneNodeProperty<P extends NodeKeys>(
node: SceneNode,
property: P extends 'Type' ? P : never,
value: NodeTypes
): void
function ccbSetSceneNodeProperty<P extends NodeKeys>(
node: SceneNode,
property: P extends 'Name' ? P : never,
value: string
): void

Registered User
2023-09-25 09:37:08

Hi mekselperter,

Are you talking about typescript declaration files, i.e. d.ts? I've written one to use for vscode autocomplete, you can find it here if you need it:

Registered User
2023-09-25 10:02:15

Ah cool, that could've saved me a bit of time :) !

I'm stealing a couple of lines from there haha !

I'm adding a few TypeScript magics on top of that :)

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