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LinkColor - navigation menu versus body of page

Registered User
2023-08-29 20:16:38

I am working on my first site with RocketCake Professional. I have used several other HTML editors but am new to this one.

I would like to have a minimalist style with a white background and black text. However, the navigation is reversed, with a black background and white text.

It looks good that way. However, the navigation menu items, referring to the pages of the site, will turn into a link color once I link them up to my pages.

Ideally, I'd like to set LinkColor, LinkColorActive, LinkColorHover, and LinkColorVisited all to white. They are menu items - people know what they're going to do when you click on them, and any other color breaks the design of the page.

I could easily do that in Properties, but I don't want the link colors to be white in the body of the page because they would disappear into a white background.

Is there a way to set a different link color scheme to the navigation menu than used in the body of the page?

Registered User
2023-08-29 20:18:22

On a separate but probably simple matter, can someone explain the .rcd file to me?

Registered User
2023-08-29 21:53:08

I won't know until I upload it, but I think I figured out the navigation.

Registered User
2023-08-30 04:47:48

Is there a way to set a different link color scheme to the navigation menu than used in the body of the page?

Yes. The Navigation Menu insert from the Tool Set comes with its own properties, i.e. hover styles of the menu can be set independently from hover syles of hyperlinks somewhere else on the page. It's also recommended to use the Navigation Menu insert because it is responsive by default.

But even if you use a self-made navigation menu you can still give each hyperlink its own hover style in the Insert/Edit Hyperlink dialog. Click the Style tab and select "Add new Style".

Registered User
2023-08-30 04:55:50

On a separate but probably simple matter, can someone explain the .rcd file to me?

The rcd file is the one, single file to which RocketCake stores the entire project (pages, layout, formatting, images, etc.) when you click "Save". Keep this file safely. If you lose it you won't be able to recover your project and will have to re-start from scratch. You may still have your output files from publishing to local disk and/or server, but you cannot import these files back into RocketCake.

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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