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How to limit image size

Registered User
2023-08-21 17:22:15

How can I limit the size of my sites logo image? I have the properties set to 260/90 - which is the actual size of the logo. But, when viewing in mobile view the image is huge. How can I correct this and still keep my logo?

Site is here:

Logo says PEN with an eagle head - and states Postal Employee Network

Registered User
2023-08-21 19:03:11

Set image properties to
100%, auto
max width = 260

Registered User
2023-08-21 21:33:46

Thanks for the response. Just tried that and did not work to reduce the image size instead of enlarging it when viewed in my browser. Chrome

Registered User
2023-08-21 23:45:34

rickowens wrote:
How can I limit the size of my sites logo image? I have the properties set to 260/90 - which is the actual size of the logo. But, when viewing in mobile view the image is huge. How can I correct this and still keep my logo?

Site is here:

Logo says PEN with an eagle head - and states Postal Employee Network

Hi, you need to set a breakpoint that adjust the image size automatically for mobile screen sizes.
Did you tried it? Do you know how to achieve it? If still need help I could give you a hand:

Registered User
2023-08-22 07:53:29

Thanks for the response. Just tried that and did not work to reduce the image size instead of enlarging it when viewed in my browser. Chrome

If actual image width is 260px you should not want to have a browser display it at more than that, because the browser will have to blow it up beyond its actual size, i.e. the image will be blurred. That's why I proposed to set max. width = 260.

Registered User
2023-08-22 17:03:28

Thanks. I did set the properties as you said.

I cleared my cache, etc and the logo was still way too large.

BUT, good news - today it seems to be remaining the set image size. Thank you.

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