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Page isn't usable on mobile

Registered User
2023-08-19 22:46:03

I do not understand this at all. Google has a page where you can test whether or not your site/page is mobile friendly.

I used RC to create my homepage here:

Google mobile friendly response was: <b>Page isn't usable on mobile - Why it's not usable: Text too small to read. Clickable elements too close together</b>

Yes, I understand I have too many Google ads on the page - that is a problem, but I was hoping RC would make the page mobile friendly for me as I am NOT a coder of any sorts.

I can only guess that it is my designing skill at fault. I am greatly hearing impaired and never use a cell phone except in emergencies. So, I never view my site on a cell phone. That is one reason I chose to use RC - in hopes that it would help me design mobile friendly.

The test page from Google is here:

Any suggestions BEYOND reducing the ads.

Registered User
2023-08-20 05:05:43

In Rocketcake, use the slider on the bottom to see how your page looks like an various screens, and to change how it behaves. In your browser, just resize the browser window to do the same.

From what i see, I think you have some non responsive large element (maybe the image?) causing your site not to behave correctly. But difficult to say. Maybe send your .rcd file to support, they can have a look at it and help you more.

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