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Feature Request: Incorporating Blog Feature

Registered User
2023-08-11 16:50:26

I'm reaching out to discuss a potential enhancement for the Rocketcake Editor. I suggest considering the addition of a built-in blog feature or the creation of a specialized blog template.

The proposed feature could bring several advantages. It might simplify content management for users looking to add a blog section to their websites. Alternatively, a dedicated blog template could provide a convenient starting point for users to customize their blog pages.

Moreover, I'm curious if any community members have explored open-source alternatives that could complement the Rocketcake Editor for achieving blog-like capabilities. Sharing such insights could provide valuable guidance and contribute to the collaborative spirit of our community

2023-08-11 19:25:56

The next update of Rocketcake will include a feature wich makes it possible to include any external software including blogs easily.

But it would also be an idea to have some "native" blog feature in there, true.

Registered User
2023-08-14 23:23:12

I uh, wrote my whole blog in RocketCake - it hasn't been the easiest honestly, but it's pretty workable, and I like that I have so much control over everything.

My RCD file is pushing 400MB and I have had to get really selective about syncronising it when I do update it. I could list some of the issues if you were interested, but I don't want to get too verbose.

I've also had to install 16GB in my desktop to even open it. My smaller laptop borks when I try to work on it, so there's that too.

Let me know if you check it out and have any questions.

Warmest thoughts.

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