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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports

Registered User
2022-11-24 16:15:28

It would be nice to have this feature in Game.
I am trying to create an interfacing and there would be a need for this feature in game, maybe only available for Windows and macOS compilations.

PS:translation via DeepL

2022-11-24 18:47:13

You can create your own version of this for windows platform using the system commands.
I already had something to open a load file script in my computer I will send you the file in the morning that loads a custom coppercube scene.

Registered User
2022-11-24 19:22:10

Thank you, I looked a little bit on the net but not being a programmer I understood little or almost nothing.
the solution I had as an alternative was to edit the whole file path by hand.

2022-11-25 09:42:46

@pmax , here is the githu repo link to my old project that allows you to load a .cca file which is just a rename of .ccb file to load a scene in Coppercube.
It is also a project that loads custom texture based fonts and can be used to create custom GUI during runtime.
It is a whole project so you might need to look for the code that you require in the AW.js file, it will be using the system command for the file selector dialogue.

Run the AW.exe and it will show you a UI click on File and it will open a menu then click on load and ti will show you the file selction box and then you can Navigate to AW folder and select the test.cca file to load the scene in to the UI.

Registered User
2022-11-26 18:39:11

Thank you! I'll go take a look at it.

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