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Charibdy IX

Registered User
2022-08-14 18:51:10

NWSS Charybdis IX, reg. SOL//00716216, is a modified Calvert&Brock PXR-5 Magnu-Class intra-systemic sublight commercial freighter originally owned by the now defunct Martian corporation ExoPharma. The Charybdis disappeared somewhere beyond Neptune in MMCLXXIV and has been lost ever since, although some recent reports suggest she might have been spotted in the Epsilon Quadrant of the Kuiper Belt.

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WASD/Arrows to move
Shift to run
Click to interact

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Okay this is pretty rough still. It’s so rough indeed that I think I’m gonna be iterating the whole damn thing away and start again (not from scratch though, just the CC part of it), but I’d like to share it first and see what you guys think. It needs a lot of work, but it’s kinda playable i hope. Texts are placeholders. Computer systems are still to-do. And mind that once you pick a plasma cell you cannot drop it anywhere except the reactor (idk if i’ll keep the “grabbing” mechanic or go for a classic inventory). It lags quite a bit on my laptop too, so I might move the whole thing to windows target if performance starts bitching too much – but I’d like to have at least a workable webgl demo.

Cheers :)

Registered User
2022-08-14 18:54:40

(and yeah is Charybdis, not "Charibdy" -_- )

Registered User
2022-08-15 14:37:56

the demo looks very nice and it plays smooth on my basic laptop if you are looking for feedback
the interior is nice also!! gives me inspiration

Registered User
2022-08-15 17:21:25

Very good! The game has very good graphics and smooth gameplay, well done!

2022-08-15 18:04:42

Wow, Looks brilliant, and that too on webGL. Loads real quick for me, I like the environment, especially the font, It seems CC renders font much better in webGL than on windows build. Also, the game is interactive I can interact with many items, and can also pick some of them like the Cell, but would like if there is a hint for interactable items, like glowing them or having a special tint or color hint on them, Maybe use the bright color, so that one can get an easy idea which item is interactable in the environment. And a radar or map would also be a good addition to this game. You can try using the character on the map extension for that.

Overall it's an amazing game Would also recommend creating mobile device controls for it as well, It will be really great to play it on a mobile device.


Registered User
2022-08-15 20:56:26

Thanks guys, i really appreciate you trying it out :D

I’m also glad it ran smoothly on your end too. I still find it a bit too laggy – specially later on in the game when some red lasers appear, they’re alpha 50% or so, and I think that’s hitting my fps quite bad… but I’ll probably be opening a thread about optimization in the how-to area soon, cause as for now I’m just improvising it a bit.


@coa cheers mate :) it’s all actually CC0 assets i’ve downloaded… I feel a bit bad about it cause I know how to model and I think I should be doing them myself lol but they look so nice XD Most of it comes from these:
and of course

@just_in_case thanks bro. I think you’re right when you say that it renders better in wbgl than in windows – at least quite differently. If this get’s much more complex though I might change target to the later. I like the ideas of the mini-map and (maybe!) the blinking objects, and I’d love to make it mobile friendly but… well I feel that’s a bit beyond my skill at this point (I’m not even coding, just yknow “interfacing” – that much I suck lol).

Did anybody finish it?


Registered User
2022-08-16 07:47:20

i managed to start the reactor but got lost in the map...

I would suggest some kind of minimap as have been mentioned
or at least a map of the interior to view.. just my opinion

2022-08-16 12:59:24

Pretty good I thought - it had some vibes of System Shock 2 in it.

I would maybe add a reticule and some more interactive info on different objects and maybe adjustable breath sounds according to walk speed (stamina).

Sound pc terminal beep sounds would be nice and some human self speaking about what he needs to do...else an on screen list showing what needs to be done...

Registered User
2022-08-16 14:48:47

Great project, I really liked the atmosphere both in terms of level design and sound design, well done!

Impressive attention to detail as well, nearly everything that I clicked on had a message attached to it which made the whole experience pretty immersive, quite liked the atmospheric sound effects that would play here and there too!

One thing I would suggest though is to use more sci-fi/industrial background sounds for when all of the cells are in place to show that all of the machinery is turned on and working :)

Registered User
2023-11-09 18:26:00

Hello i know this is a really late response i found it in my history when i was cleaning out alot of my stuff and was wondering if you discontinued making it or it was already made

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