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CopperCube big feature poll

Registered User
2016-07-28 15:23:21

Linux support is the way to go.
But with some better shadow system (cast shadows, dynamic object shadows).
VR gear is still expensive.
DX12 GPUs are still expensive.

Registered User
2017-01-12 20:41:40

Not sure if am late to the poll as i just got me cc 5.5
(and am actually surprised by it, had to grab postcollapse to see what else can be done with it :))

+ DirectX 12 or Vulkan Renderer
mainly because to my surprise cc5.5 has no Sotlights and no normal mapping on dynamic models :(

There are 3 things i would like to see much earlier
+SpotLight (Honestly how is this not already in cc?!? :O )
+Normal Mapping on Models (Dynamic ones)

Registered User
2017-01-13 14:44:48

Why not Just DX11,10

Registered User
2017-01-15 07:58:14

When the Next Update?

2017-01-16 07:58:09

2017-01-16 09:34:52

Vulkan Renderer would be great.

2017-01-16 13:13:59

Vulkan - Definitely!

Registered User
2017-01-16 22:30:45

open VR would be a cool thing, many people have cheaper 3D glasses and it shouldnt be to hard to implement i think:D

a while ago i tested a cheap VR glasses with my Phone and noticed not a lot of VR apps available.. or atleast not very good ones...

Registered User
2017-01-16 22:32:14

iphone output (.ipa) would be wonderfull!!!!

make 1 game and launch on both platforms:)
also i already launched 2 IOS games before in the appstore so i have experience with that:D

multiplayer would be nice to!

Registered User
2017-01-16 22:35:00

Registered User
2017-06-18 01:13:14

Ok, first off sorry for the necro post.

But I feel that looking into BGFX.might be beneficial. It supports a wide variety of rendering API's.

Just my 2 cents :)

Registered User
2017-06-18 15:33:58

Linux Support and Direct X 12, In that order.

Registered User
2017-06-19 15:15:12

All three for me, but in order of importance:

(1) Vive support (we have a vive)

(2) Direct X 12 and Vulcan

(3) Linux


Registered User
2017-09-09 06:06:55

Hello. I wasn't around to vote for this because I didn't know about the existence of CopperCube until recently.

If you still haven't decided which of those three options to do first, I'll vote for the Vulkan renderer.

A DirectX 12 renderer would also be great, but Vulkan seems to be a better option because it supports more operating systems, so it would allow you to maintain the portability of your project.

Before deciding, you should also think about the effects of your decision on your business. Supporting Linux is nice if you have extra time, but the majority of people don't use it, so you'll only get a tiny boost of funds from the few new buyers who use Linux. But supporting a new renderer that is capable of producing better visuals will have a greater affect on your goal of gaining more buyers.

I actually hate new graphics. If I could be the master of the planet, all visuals would be trapped with the visual quality of games for the PS2, GameCube, and the first Xbox. The graphical capabilities of CopperCube are perfect to me, but many people are easily swayed by visuals and might quickly purchase every shiny game they see.

So, even though I hate fancy graphics, I believe adding a renderer with a few neat and marketable effects would have a greater chance of providing new buyers than producing a version for Linux.

The support for more Virtual Reality gear would also gain a decent amount of buyers, and people who can afford those headsets can easily afford CopperCube.

The Linux port is still a good option though. It would give you the motivation to switch to an open-source compiler, so you won't be tied to the future of Visual Studio and XCode forever! It will improve the portability of this engine, so the Linux port is still a great goal!

You must never stop working on this engine! You must be forced to live forever and constantly improve it! If you ever die, I will revive you and force you to work on CopperCube!

I have an idea for a glorious game, and this is the only engine that I might be able achieve my goal with. If I discover that this engine also won't be able to help me achieve my goal, I'll abandon my desire to be a game designer and I'll become a janitor! Or a dancer!

I was impressed with the demo version, so I bought it! We shall see if my vision can be realized!

2017-09-09 17:47:15

DX12 & VIVE SUPPORT, in that order

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