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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
Need help with image health bar

Registered User
2017-09-28 08:15:19

so Im still lost on how this is done by variables. The way I have it setup right now is I have my enemy bullet set "every few seconds do something" adding "value 1". On my player in "game actor with health" on "action on hit" I have "if a variable do something" Which I have "is bigger than, value 1" The action I have for this is "hide" image which is a heart, So when the bullet hits me the picture hides, which that works great. But im having trouble hiding the rest of my hearts. I tried adding another "If a variable so somthing" on the same action in " action on hit" and using a different value of 2 or 3 but doesnt work.

2017-09-28 19:31:16

hm, difficult to say from your description... maybe you could post a screenshot or you could send me the file and I can have a look at it.

Registered User
2017-09-29 00:51:21

I'll make a video later today and post it

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