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Open question (moving shadows like the sun)

Registered User
2017-09-16 16:02:11

Hi everyone,

I would like to see how many CC user have the same moving shadow (like the sun) problem as mine.

To see that, would you like to :

- Open example Terrain Demo

- rename the directionnal light : "DirectionalLight"

- Put this script (orienting light ) in a 100ms 3Dscene (or any other node) event (do something every few time):

// orienting light direction to (0,0,0)
var s = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("DirectionalLight");
var Position = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(s, "Position");
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(s, "Direction",-Position.x,-Position.y,-Position.z);

- create a cube with these parameters :

position : 186.210663, 109.959778, -334.890381
scale : 2.637744, 2.637744, 2.637744

- Start the scene in .exe

Here, on my PC, I see turning shadows on everything (soldier, tree, etc.) except cube !

Do you see sun moving shadows on the cube ?


Registered User
2017-09-16 21:08:28

I also have similar problems, (so it's no point for me to try it) which occurs after I have been working with one ccb-file for a while. Report it/send the file to Niko, hopefully there is a fix for this in a near future.

2017-09-17 14:10:42

Why not just create a path and rotation action...or am I not understanding this correctly

Registered User
2017-09-21 19:45:57

Ok ... I made some expérimentations with other scenes. For example, three cubes on a plane (upper face of a big cube) with my rotating direction light. On two cube I see the rotating shadow, not on the last.

If I put a simple plane instead of a the upper face of a cube, I don't have any shadows.

Well ... I saw many other strange behavior I can't explain and anticipate.
I hope too Niko will solve these problems.

I also have similar problems, (so it's no point for me to try it) which occurs after I have been working with one ccb-file for a while. Report it/send the file to Niko, hopefully there is a fix for this in a near future.

Registered User
2017-09-21 19:47:34

The problem Zoo is that I don't see any shadows moving with the sun (the rotating directionnal light) in this scene and many other one.

Zoo wrote:
Why not just create a path and rotation action...or am I not understanding this correctly

2017-11-10 13:03:21

same things

i found shadows dont work with non solid mapped textures

set scene realtime shadow
set terrain's lighting dynamic, texture solid
set object's lighting static, texture solid

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