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Feature Occulus Rift - Detection Optional

Registered User
2017-03-15 17:00:57

Can we please get this removed or optional, the detection check - if no rift found makes it impossible to run a coppercube vr game without the rift.

The issue i got is
when i try the coppercube occulus demo (do note am not using a rift and neither do i plan to buy one), i cant get it to work since it checks first if there is a rift connected.

This check is unecessary and makes it almost impossible to play a coppercube rift game with 3rd party VR Googles.

Am for example using TrinusVR on my Smarthphone - streaming the Game itself thru Trinus on the PC to the Smartphone that is mounted in my VR Headset.

Now i dont have the pro version of coppercube, at least not yet and honestly as long as this stupid check is still in place i cant see myself getting one.
It is painfull enough to see rift support only in the pro.(one would have to ask why limit it to pro only.. ), so plz can we get this removed and a new cc rift demo.

2017-03-20 10:14:42

The selection box leaves you the option to continue anyway. Alternatively, create two executables, one without VR support and one with. Maybe also a solution?

Registered User
2017-03-21 00:05:28

sry but that is not really a solution, it shouldnt be too hard for you to make it render the rift view regardless of a rift being detected or not, why restrict VR in coppercube to occulus only?! If you can get Coppercube VR Games running on other devices without havin to support them.

This way Coppercubes Occulus VR Suppurt could be used with other devices as well without havin to actually support them or implement them, just make it render in rift view.
And why would you want to create 2 executables if you can use 1 and make the user choose if he wants to use vr or not - checkbox enable/disable Rift Render View. That at least is a sane approach.

2017-03-21 12:47:20

why restrict VR in coppercube to occulus only

I'm not restricting it, you need to manually implement code for each VR device out there.

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