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first person shooter 'weapon shake'

Registered User
2017-01-09 19:48:38

goodevening! i had a long break from coppercube but i got back and started working on a FPS shooter.

i was wondering (for the realism effect) how to make the weapon 'shake' as the player is running, like u see in many first person shooters.

so far i tried several methods:

-make a small path for the weapon to follow and add it to the camera
(didnt work because the collision of the path)

-follow between 2 points (extra add on) looks really weird...

-every x seconds rotate the weapon left and right... cannot get that to work properly either

-everyX seconds rotate camera lleft and right... horrible result....

how can i achieve this realism effect of a gun/rifle moving up and down or left to right when running???

20:07 added a short video with the problem... in this case i use (move between 2 nodes behaviour on the weapon, and it moves with the camera, but to fast.... (screen recorder stutters but its actually fluently...

tnx in advance!

best regards from the netherlands

Registered User
2017-01-09 20:25:20

hmmm i think this 'move between 2 nodes' might actually work after playing around with it for a bit:D:

20:35... some time later... yes this is definatly the solution:)
took me hours yesterday, and today not even 30 minutes:)

problem solved case closed:D

will post another video later:D

Registered User
2017-01-09 21:05:03

check the results:

Registered User
2017-01-10 05:57:59


Registered User
2017-01-10 16:34:00

its working but....

to get the weapon moving like this i set up the rules for it in the WASD keys:

-when key is pressed : 'make invisible gun shoot' & make visible: gun walking

the movement is working but incorrect... when i press A,S or D the player keeps moving in that direction instead of taking just 1 step.... but when i press W to move forward it does only 1 step as it should...

what am i doing wrong....???

(tests on android device) its working correctly under windows!)

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