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Lightmapping and transparency

Registered User
2008-11-06 16:58:51

It would appear that lightmapping a scene removes all the transparency.

At the moment my transparency is done using materials (not textures) and it's imported in using the obj file format.

Is this the case or I'm I missing something. The only solution I can think of if this is the case apart from lightmapping in Max is to bring the opaque geometry in, lightmap that and then import the transparent geometry. A bit of a pain so a solution would be great.

2008-11-09 09:22:26

As workaround you could simply use a separate .obj file for transparent materials, maybe.

Registered User
2008-11-12 19:32:01

Yea I think we will have to go with that but to be honest I think to use IrrEdit's lightmapping we would need the source code. As we plan to split our world into sections to be displayed when needed. We can do this by using custom scene nodes however once you add trying to lightmap the whole scene and then compile it down to binary after it's actually easier to do the lightmapping in max. Shame, as IrrEdit does seem to generate very efficient light-maps.

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