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Suggestion for the next version

Christian Clavet
2008-09-27 23:39:58

Hi, Thanks for creating a new version with the new 1.4.2 version of IRRLICHT!

Some things I could suggest you add on the next release:
- Complete the particle editing (other type of emitter are not working in this current release)
- Grid snapping for more accurate placement of items

Some other idea (could be added if you think it's would be nice)
Creation of custom primitives as BOX, CYLINDERS, SPHERES and basic mapping (linear at least, ajustement of the UV coordinate of the tile)
Possible modification of vertex of those primitives, so the user could shape them to create walls, ceilings, and other base thing to create levels.
So user could create some basic shapes and do a quick level to test. The custom shapes could be saved then as a .IRR mesh file.

This would give user ability as other BPS editor (UnrealED, Hammer....)

2008-09-29 09:00:10

Yep, thank for the suggestions, added to the TODO list.

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