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serious contribution about Virtual Reality Support , Rift and alternative devices

Registered User
2014-07-03 01:09:31


Someone got in touch with this cheap and easy Virtual reality device? Im trying to get the right parts to assembly one for me and test it.

Is a pair of lens with a cardboard, a smartphone and a android aplication that mounts a VR device using the sensors from the smart to move along with the head of the user. I saw a pplication that uses a bluetooth controller to another directional moves.

Google project.

Is cheap, is easy, high quality images and is cool ..

I saw that Niko offered some support to Rift, so the relevence of this post is if CooperCube would have some support to publish using this toolkit. What you think Niko, is a nice piece of work to add to CooperCube support? I know that is hard to tell this without any tests and all process need to add that. But i remembered about Coopercube in the exacly time that i saw this. Is a plus IMWO.

I think this will be more popular that the Oculus Rift, because is so easy to assembly.

Regards and if someone have more informations to share about, will be very nice.


2014-07-03 05:50:18


from a quick view over the API of this device, I think adding support for this should be possible. However, I'm not sure about the quality and performance of this hardware: I know from programming the Rift, that latency and speed is crititical for VR. My development PC was a bit to slow to show stuff convincingly in the VR headset, only my gaming rig did this nicely, so I'm not sure if this will really work nicely with just an Android cell phone?

Did you try it out? Did it look good and was it fast?

I think especially the rendering of the distorted view, and this twice will probably bring the performance down on a cell phone. But I'd be happy to be told otherwise. :)

So for now, I am currently seeing this project more like a toy, but should we get enough users to request this feature for CopperCube, I'll allocate some development time for this, and add support for it.

Registered User
2014-07-03 22:21:36

Hey Niko,

Unfortunaly im trying to buy all the hardware necessary to assembly this.
I found some examples in the internet that maybe you will like to see.

This one is from the cardboard from google running youtube, maps and some another applications:

Until now i founded not much information about latency in google card project.

Another project demonstrate in durovis website show a skd running in low latency at smartphones and already have games running for that and they are produced using a plugin for Unity 3d.
http://] about latency of opendive

Im not able to run tests right now because i need to buy everything to procede with some fun, including update my cel phone :)

But you will like to see this example of the opendive 3d that i found in the play market, is using the Proton Quake Level Loader Demo (Irrlicht Engine)

I'll continue to research about to try to undertand better this projects. I saw also some people handling the latency using Kainy to stream the games to cell phones too. Another coof stuff.


Registered User
2014-07-05 21:07:21

Hi Cesar,
Thanks for bringing this up.
I just bought some lenses from eBay and downloaded a few of the opendive apps for my Galaxy Note 3 from Google Play.
I am just amending a headset model for 3D printing and can not wait to try this out. Very exciting. I just bought kainy too so I can test this with a Coppercube app.
It might be a good idea to add this Niko. It could really attract a lot of attention from enthusiastic VR devs.

Registered User
2014-07-05 22:16:10

Hi Cesar,
Thanks for bringing this up.
I just bought some lenses from eBay and downloaded a few of the opendive apps for my Galaxy Note 3 from Google Play.
I am just amending a headset model for 3D printing and can not wait to try this out. Very exciting. I just bought kainy too so I can test this with a Coppercube app.
It might be a good idea to add this Niko. It could really attract a lot of attention from enthusiastic VR devs.

You are very welcome mrmdesign, i made a quick test with two magnifier lens of the same size and i installed the app called "BubbleCars" in the play market and manually i got close with one lens in each eyes and wow.. The both image was putted togheter in a nice image amplified. My phone dont have a gyro so the test was very limited. But the thing is very real and exciting :))

2016-03-07 14:52:01

Hi.. i work now develop for google cardboard (unity and java), and really
this option would be excellent for android in coppercube.
(And also be able to export to AIPHONE)

ups. old post.

Registered User
2016-09-22 17:44:56

Hi there. I think this option would be really nice, if it's not already created.

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