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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Request in the next update

Registered User
2023-12-22 20:02:07

I would like the ability to shorten or lengthen one side of an object (cube) independently, similar to the editor in Second Life. By checking an option in the menu, I could extend a single side as I wish or extend them together. It's frustrating to have to shorten a wall from both sides and then visually adjust to recover the lost space on one side or the other.

I would like to extend only this side (like in this picture).


2023-12-22 21:04:00


Not exactly the easy SketchUp style - but I think what you are asking for can basically already be achieved with CopperCube's built-in Polygon Editing Tools.


And if you want something more precise with vertex snapping you could try out my CopperCube MeshMaster_cpm plugin:


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