RocketCake 3.5 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer adds some useful improvements here and there, and some bugfixes:
- Added support for the 'required' attribute in text fields. When checked, the browser won't submit a form when the text is empty and ask the user to fill it out.
- Changed the default size where the navigation menu switches to the mobile version to 550 pixels
- Added dutch translation (thanks to Arnold for this!)
- Improved italian translation (thanks to tfr for this!)
- Fixed a problem causing the default font to be wrong sometimes for autogenerated mobile navigation menus.
- Lots of smaller improvements everywhere
You can
download it here.
RocketCake 3.4 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer adds some useful improvements here and there, and some bugfixes:
- Styled buttons now also support images and other elements on them.
Note: this only works for newly created styled buttons. If you have old buttons from a previous RocketCake version in your project you need to replace them for this feature.
- Rescaled images on your website in the editor now look exactly as in most browsers. Previously, they could look a bit more blurry under special circumstances.
- Content in H1, H2, H3, etc tags now is generated very SEO friendly by aggressively stripping redundant styles and nested tags automatically inside.
However you style your headings, you will now in most cases end up with code looking like this:
<h1 id="heading1id">Heading Text</h1>
- Fixed a problem causing images not to be reloaded instantly sometimes when the menu command for this was selected.
- Fixed a problem which caused the MacOS version of RocketCake not to load files properly sometimes when special unicode symbols where used in the HTML code.
- Fixed a problem on macOS causing elements not to be pasteable sometimes on certain elements
You can
download it here.
RocketCake 3.3 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer includes small new features, updates and bugfixes:
- FTPS support
In addition to SFTP and FTP support, RocketCake now also supports the FTPS protocol. Uploading your project to any host should now be very easy that way.
- Added built-in support for email and date input fields
- Default language selection on macOS now works better on newer operating system versions
- Improved error messages shown to user when connection to an FTP server fails.
- Folders now store if they have been open or closed in the project. So if you open your project later again, the folders will restore its previous state.
- Fixed a bug in the gallery image switching code, which sometimes causing to show wrong images when scrolling forward.
You can
download it here.
RocketCake 3.2 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer includes new features, updates and bugfixes:
New gallery
The image gallery component has been mostly rewritten and now includes a ton of new features like:
- Aspect ratio independent preview thumb images causing all images to look uniform in size even if they aren't
- Close button icon for opened images (in layers)
- Non-scrollable background when a layer is open
- The aspect ratio option is of course configurable, also so that the gallery looks exactly like in previous rocketcake versions
Improved navigation menu
The menu now automatically positions itself so it won't go outside the screen area, no matter how large the menu on your website is.
For example when you have a large menu and align it to the right of the page, the dropdown menu now will align itself automatically a bit to the left so that it is fully visible and won't overlap the right screen border anymore.
Hyperlink Previews
When hovering a hyperlink, the target URL of the hyperlink is now displayed as tooltip.
Possibility to change HTML IDs
It is now possible to change the HTML Id of every generated code element. This is a feature wanted by a lot of professional users.
To do this, right-click any element, select "HTML Code...", click the "..." button and select "Change HTML ID...".
You will see the change in the code immediately.
Updated mobile devices
New devices supported: iPhone 10, Samsung S10, and more. You can select these from the 'View' menu and on the bottom of the editor page.
New Templates
The editor now contains some new, lots of improved and more modern free website templates
macOS Mojave and Catalina compatibility
RocketCake now runs nicely on Mojave and Catalina. There have been some incompatibilities and bugs introduced by Apple in those macOS versions which RocketCake now detects and works around them.
It also supports some new features in those operating systems.
In Detail:
- Added support for DarkMode
- On some systems, comboboxes like the font selection box wouldn't open somtimes. This is fixed now.
- When clicking 'Preview', the Safari browser wasn't able to show the preview files sometimes. This works now.
- The HTML Code and color on the font color buttons weren't visible sometimes. This is no longer an issue.
- Mojave and Catalina had troubles uploading files to sftp sites, this is is fixed now.
- Fixed a problem causing the font height to be displayed wrongly under certain circumstances
- Fixed a problem causing the background to be shown black sometimes in new button dialog
- The view with slider on the bottom of the HTML editor view is now a slider instead of a scrollbar
Lots of other improvements
- The hint that the mobile menu is auto-generated is now a bit more clearly visible.
- You can now press CTRL+B when text is selected and toggle between bold and non-bold font.
- Numeric text input fields now have no max and min values by default anymore. Also, if the max value is set to the same value as the min value, no max and min values are used, so you can enter arbitrarily long values.
- The MacOS version now looks nicer on retina displays
- Lots of translations have been improved. The spanish, italian, frensh and russian translations are now much better.
- Fixed a problem where sometimes in the generated HTML, whitespace would appear in some browsers between style changes due to pretty printing.
- Fixed a problem causing Gallery 'next' image button not to work sometimes in Edge browser
- Fixed a bug causing the web form text field not to retain its mode when set to numeric mode after loading.
You can
download it here.
RocketCake 3.1 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer includes a handful improvements and new features:
Faster editor when using large images
If you are using large images on a webpage, the editor is now much faster and editing your website feels more smooth now.
Search engine improvements
There have been various improvements made in RocketCake, causing your website to rank better automatically in Google and other web search engines.
If you have an existing page made with RocketCake, all you need to do is to re-upload your existing website with RocketCake 3.1, and everything should be done automatically for you.
Better looking gallery
The image gallery element preview/thumb images are now created a bit bigger to make them look nicer.
- Editor behavior change: When you have a line ending with a hyperlink and press ENTER on that line, the hyperlink is no
longer continued on the next line. This way, it is easier to create lists of text lines with hyperlinks.
- Text Edit Fields where the background is set to "invisible" now actually have an invisible background and not the default of the browser (like 'white' in Chrome)
- The 64 bit version of RocketCake now also shows the latest Windows 10 common controls instead of reverting to the old windows style
- RocketCake and RocketCake documents now have a new icon
- Fixed a problem causing the menu not to open sometimes when using very large menus and russian text inside of them
- Fixed a bug causing RocketCake to crash sometimes when clicked right into the element browser of an empty project
- Fixed a bug causing the built-in FTP client not to upload anything when using the "Publish to the Internet" feature and no document was open.
You can
download it here.
RocketCake 3.0 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer includes a lot of new features. You can
download it here.
Note that if you are using the professional edition, you need to
upgrade your license, but there is a discount for existing users.
New in this release:
RocketCake 2.2 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer fixes mostly a few problems with macOS Mojave:
- macOS: For some users, combo boxes like the font or device selection didn't work on Mojave. This is fixed now.
- macOS: RocketCake is now a 64bit only application.
- Updated Japanese translation
You can
download it here.
RocketCake 2.1 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer includes new features and bug fixes. You can
download it here. Details:
SFTP support
Added support for SFTP file uploading. When using the built-in website uploading mechanism,
SFTP is now also supported in addition to FTP.
(Note that this won't work on the Mac App Store version of RocketCake)
More fonts
The editor now can load and display a lot more system fonts
Better Peformance
The repainting after a view port adjustment now is much faster
Lots of smaller improvements everywhere
- Modernized UI quite a bit at different places
- Improved progress dialog for Windows 10 when previewing and uploading to the web
- Improved some of the translations
- When uploading files, the uploading progress dialog no longer blocks error message or password entry dialogs, which it did previously on some systems
- Fixed a wrongly positioned slider on macOS Sierra, High Sierra and newer
- Fixed a minor layout problem in the editor where the text below image galleries could sometimes not shown at the correct position
- Fixed a bug causing headings when used together with master pages not to have the correct paddings sometimes
- Fixed a problem which caused menus in mobile mode not to open on some devices, when there was more than one navigation menu used on a page at the same time
- Fixed the special text insert symbol menu to now display fine also on High Sierra and newer
RocketCake 2.0 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer includes a lot of new features. You can
download it here.
Note that if you are using the professional edition, you need to
upgrade your license, but there is a discount for existing users.
New in this release:
Multi level sub menus
The navigation menu now supports multiple levels of sub menus: You can now create another level of menus below any sub menu, making it possible to create more complex websites easily.
More devices supported
Added support for iPhone 8, iPhone 7+, iPhone 8+, iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8+, LG G4, LG G5
Improved image gallery
Image galleries now support navigation buttons, which, when enabled make it possible to go through all images
of the gallery using mouse clicks or keyboard buttons. They are optional and turned on by default.
Improved slide shows
You can now specify hyperlinks for each image, which open when the user clicks on the active image in the slideshow.
Lots of new and updated templates
There are now 15 free templates to choose from and base your designs on, if you like.
Better table support
HTML tables in the editor are now easier to use and design. Also the layout is now more exact and looks like the
result you get in the final browser, which wasn't always the case in earlier versions.
It is now also possible to copy and paste table cells from one table into another one.
Better Navigation Menu
The navigation menu now has a new property named 'SubMenuSpacing', which makes the space between sub menu entries
a bit bigger, and easier to work with on with mobile devices. If you are importing a website created with RocketCake 1,
your menu entries will become a bit bigger because of this. If you don't like that, set the 'SubMenuSpacing' back
to 0.
Also, the mobile menu now has a sub menu telling the user that it needs to be filled manually.
Enhanced Password Protection
If you enable the integrated password protection system for your website, the new generated login pages now also
include a precreated way to display a "wrong password!" message, which you can also customize, if you like.
Placehoder support
Text edit fields (=inputs) now support placeholders, this is the gray text which appears when no text was entered.
Selectable HTML Version
RocketCake now supports HTML 5 and HTML 4, which you can select in the options dialog. If you have a
website created with RocketCake 1 and import it into RocketCake 2, and some spaces, margins or font sizes don't look as before,
you can switch to the other HTML version easily, which usually helps then.
Improved compatibiltiy with more browsers
Websites generated are now more compatible, faster and use less memory on some newer browsers
such as the latest Chrome or Firefox Quantum.
M4A support
HTML 5 audio elements now support MPEG-4 Audio M4A files.
HTTPS for Youtube and others
Elements such as embedded youtube video elements now support the HTTPS protocol
Numeric input
Numeric text inputs are now supported. Just set the 'type' of a text edit field to 'numeric'.
More Shortcuts
New supported key shortcuts, for example "Shift Delete", "Shift Insert" and "Control Insert"
as alternative to existing Cut, Copy and Paste shortcuts
Lots of other, smaller improvements
Some web servers cannot handle css files named like "example.html.css" correctly, so RocketCake now generates a
name like "example_html.css" instead for those.
The HTML/PHP/JavaScript/CSS code editors now reopen with the the user specified sizes if changed
Generated file names can now include hyphens, which makes sense for SEO and similar
Startup window size is now bigger on large screens
Updated and improved several website templates
Improved polish translation
Radio button checked state is now correctly displayed in the editor
Generated image gallery code is more nicely readable now
RocketCake 1.5 released!
This update of the free responsive website designer includes new features and bug fixes. You can
download it here. Details:
Simple image reloading
There is now a new command for reloading all the used images from disk. Use the menu
File -> Reload all images
for this.
Built-in Password protection
You can now easily password protect your webpages by adding the "password protection" element
onto your page. You can add an unlimited amount of users and passwords for those.
There is also a new tutorial showing how to use this new feature.
Improved HTML Code Generation
Generated HTML Code now looks much nicer structured at several places.
New free Templates
Added a lot of new free website templates: For restaurants, hotels, consultants, and more.
Better slide show
The slide show element now is a lot more flexible and easier to use.
It has a new default image adjusting mode: 'Cover'. It adjusts
the scale of the shown image always according to width or height automatically, so that no gap is shown.
That way, you don't need any breakpoints for your slideshow to make them look good on very small screens,
they will always look nicely.
In order to make it adjust to the aspect ratio of the image, you can also use the 'auto' property for its height.
Lots of other, smaller improvements
It is now possible to quickly move the cursor in the text between words by holding down control while pressing the cursor keys
It is now possible to copy and paste website pages using the clipboard
Most templates now also have sub pages and are easier to customize.
The editor now only asks for confirmation when you close it when there are unsaved changes.
The heading number can now be adjusted in the property window for heading elements
Fixed a bug causing heading numbers not to be set correctly when copying and pasting
RocketCake 1.4 released!
This is an update including new features and bug fixes. You can download it here. Details:
New free website templates
There are again two new templates available: One for a business/lawyer website,
the second one for a holiday/nature style website.
Faster website upload
When publishing your website to the internet, RocketCake now only uploads changed files, if wanted.
So making small changes to your website is now much, much faster.
Built-in automatic image resizing
If you add an image which is unnecessary huge for a website, RocketCake now offers you to resize
that image automatically, making your website smaller and load much faster.
New 'static' gallery mode
The gallery has now an additional new open mode: 'none'. Which when selected, causes that the
gallery pictures are not clickable and cannot be made bigger.
Improved image quality
The preview image quality of the built-in image gallery is now much higher
Smart quote filter
MacOS smart pasted text and smart quotes are now automatically detected and replaced when used
inside PHP, JavaScript, HTML or CSS code.
Compatibility with more PHP web servers
External PHP css files now have the extension filename_php.css instead of filename.php.css before,
because some servers would try to run the .css file as PHP file.
Unsaved changes indicator
The editor now has an indicator showing if there are unsaved changes in the document
Generator Meta Tag removal
If you want, you can now remove the 'generator=rocketcake' meta tag for every page:
In the 'additional code in the header' section of the code of the website, write the keyword
This keyword will be filtered out, and cause the generator tag to disappear for that page.
Mobile menu now shown earlier
The mobile navigation menu is now shown by default a bit earlier (on screens smaller than 380). This can
can be adjusted of course in the settings of the menu.
Several minor changes
- several performance improvements
- sub menu texts of right or center aligned navigation menus now also are correctly left aligned
- fixed an invalid preview of the navigation menu when text is longer than screen
- Fixed a layout glitch causing text floating around images with a margin not to be positioned
correctly somtimes, if 'right align', 'justify' or 'center' was selected.
Translation updates
Updated several translations including Farsi, Italian, German and Frensh
RocketCake 1.3 released!
This is an update including new features and a few minor bug fixes. You can download it here. Details:
Text Shadows
Added support for Text Shadows. Just right-click any text and select the 'Text-Shadow' option,
or use the button in the text style bar. Of course, every aspect from color, alpha, blur and offset can be adjusted easily.
Better button creation dialog
There is now a nicer button creation dialog with lots of new precreated button styles to choose from.
Improved Rendering engine
Adding huge images into your website was slowing down the editor quite a lot, sometimes.
This is now not anymore the case, the editor now runs very fast, even for very big images with alpha channels.
Updated templates
Updated a few older templates to look more modern and use the new features in this update.
More mobile devices supported
Added preview settings for iPhone 6(s) Plus, iPhone 7, iPad pro, Samsung Galaxy S6, S7, Note 3, Note 4. Of course RocketCake generated
websites still work nicely on every other device.
Better font and fallback font support