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Others engine that use javascript and visual script made with javascript

dark knight
2022-02-08 18:52:59

Others engine that use javascript and visual script made with javascript

I was looking in internet others game engine that use javascript , and I found this two game engines, the two is using one visual script based in javascript, they use behaviors, plugins and actions, If someone who know how to programming in javascript want to look in the scripts from these engines to adapt some scripts to coppercube, the engines are:

Construct 2 and 3:

The construct 2 is one comercial 2d game engine that have one limited free version, to use construct 2 is necessary download the installer of program and install in windows, construct 2 have all the scripts visible and editable in one folder of program, and have many things made by users for construct 2 and 3, only need one search in google to find this behaviors and plugins, there is some plugins to allow to create 3d games but is less used by the most part of users, with someone want to give one look the link to download the free version of construct 2:

[url] [url]

or you can try the trial or test version online of construct 3, but construct 3 do not allow the users have acess to the scripts, now have support to official simple 3d and there is one paid plugins being created to give support to full 3d game development, have support to write javascript scripts directly in the game engine, and only work online by google chrome, firefox:

[url] [url]


The gdevelop is the open source program, 2d game engine that remember so much construct2, the visual script remember much the construct 2 visual script, in gdevelop is possible like construct 2 find and edit the scripts from visual script and give suport to write javascripts scripts directly in the engine, the gdevelop have two version one install version with full resources of the program and one online version that run in google chrome, firefox:

[url] [url]

There is the construct classic, open source, directx 9, visual script made with c++, with support to 2d and 3d:

[url] [url]

I hope this suggestions help who work to create new behaviors, plugins, actions and shaders to coppercube.

2022-02-13 06:33:20

I also found a new one:

Its main language is javascript and some cool features (download plus online) yet only for webGL deployment.

2022-02-17 19:01:56


such open betrayal of coppercube should not be tolerated

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