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not many posting

Registered User
2022-01-26 15:07:01

there are not so many posting about their game made in CC these days...

2022-01-26 15:31:32

People are more active on other platforms, like Discord and Facebook, and probably they don't use forums that much. If you use Discord then you can join my server, we are already 140+ members, you can get your queries resolved there much faster and will get to know about projects people are working on.

Plus, your tweets are already fetched in my Glitched Velocity Discord server with the help of my Discord Bot, it automatically retrieves all the tweets made about Coppercube and Ambiera.

here is the link if you wanna join:-

you can also Join other Discord groups, like Coppercube unofficial, @smnmhdy's Discord or @Panther's Discord and many more.

2022-01-26 15:37:19


Most people here have limited time available for CopperCube, so I can understand if they use it primarily for working on their projects plus now and then checking through the forums. Then there are fewer resources left for documenting plus publishing of their works which then only happens at certain important development stages worthy of presentation. So I think your observation (which I share) doesn't necessarily mean that others don't have great stuff going on with CC but some things just need to take their time I guess ;-)

Registered User
2022-01-26 16:03:46

ah only better for me get more views im like the only one posting news about my game well there are 2-3 others recently

Registered User
2022-01-26 17:05:03

Hi, I want to join in Discord, thanks!

Registered User
2022-01-26 19:41:38

I visit the forum several times every day but I haven't actually finished making any games yet - so I only post when making something completely new or if I feel I can help with bug reports or suggestions when people ask for help or if I need help myself. The forum is usually very responsive and helpful and occasionally there is a new project, video, screenshot or progress that someone showcases.

I do regularly go back and edit my older posts though (with new screenshots, ideas, progress reports, assets and links to my demos etc), and I often ask for play-tester feedback. I prefer editing old posts rather than making new posts each time because when I look through the forum, I often feel that I'm hogging all the threads and I don't want to resurrect older projects if the interest seems to have dwindled and I haven't added too much more of interest to showcase.

2022-01-27 04:53:20

thanks for the invide just_in_case I dont use discord though but maybe some day..

Yes it can take a while to make a game

I do regularly go back and edit my older posts though (with new screenshots, ideas, progress reports, assets and links to my demos etc)

yes i do that also if there is a visual update

2022-01-28 14:47:31

Most people here have limited time available for CopperCube

Yes time is of the essence but it does not take much time to post a screenshot or two....

2022-01-28 15:10:40

quote by veganpete
The forum is usually very responsive and helpful

yes it is i have gotten great help here

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