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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube

Registered User
2021-12-26 16:08:55

There is a post
@zoo - empty
@Ngame - empty
@jaimezegpi - contains the game code, but there is no plugin mentions the "behavior_multiplayer" plugin but I couldn't find it ANYWHERE

Has anyone ever written a multiplayer shooter in Copper Cube?

Registered User
2021-12-26 16:38:13

I have made simple UDP server and client programs that can be used for multiplayer with CopperCube.

Also i made simple example so it is basically coppercube multiplayer shooter game.

Video link:

Latest Download link in video PINNED comments..

NB! Without scripting you cant use it.

Registered User
2022-01-11 15:21:28

Here's an idea: Buy gameguru,use CC and GG build a rpg similar to endless sky but in 3d. CopperCube would be used for space combat missions, and then would use the CLI command line interface in CC to link it to GameGuru FPS style levels, launching levels via a shortcut, thus enabling you to add more advanced AI for NPCs on the ground, and also making it possible to set up FPS multiplayer levels for your game. I am not sure if you can legally publish a game that way though...Would like to know if it's possible...I own Coppercube Professional and GameGuru...

Registered User
2022-01-11 16:40:44

Quoted from the CopperCube license file:
"You may not transfer, sublicense, network, loan, lend, lease, distribute, rent, modify, translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, translate the software into another computer language, otherwise reduce the software to human perceivable form, create derivative works based upon the software other than as otherwise provided herein, or copy or use the Software and/or the Software documentation in violation of this Agreement."

Does this mean that we can not use the CLI for launching apps in commercial projects? If so, what is the CLI's other purpose???

2022-01-11 16:56:39

You can't modify the editor itself, but the the game or app you made with CopperCube is completely yours, you can use it however you want either for commercial or personal use. Coppercube CLI commands can be used to execute another app, but that might ruin the user experience as people don't want to watch there game close and reopens everytime the level is switched, it will be hard to create cross variables, you can use text file to transfer the variable data from CC game to gameguru.

I never personally used Gamguru, so I don't if it provides the ability to use systen commands or reading of external text files. So suppose if you have successfully opened the game guru level but at some point or another what if player chooses to restart or go back to previous level, it will not be possible to do if Gameguru doesn't support CLI commands.

You should consider reading licence info of GG as well. But if you are concerned about CopperCube license then you are free to use CLI commmand for whatever you want to do in you client exe file.

Hope that bit of info helps.

Registered User
2022-01-11 20:12:34

Thank you Just In Case:)

2023-04-06 16:30:42

The Youtube link shows a video, that isnt there anymore, can someone get the download link back?

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