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WebsitePainter vs RocketCake?

Registered User
2021-10-25 09:59:03

Is one newer than the other?
is one not being developed anymore?
Is one mean for more serious web work?

I have looked through the site and description
and I am still somewhat confused.

2021-10-25 14:17:11

No, both a still developed, while RocketCake a bit more actively because more people use it.

The difference is this: with WebsitePainter, you can easily create normal websites by clicking them together. With RocketCake, you can do this too, but you can create websites with it, which are responsive. Meaning that they automatically adjust themselves to the device they are displayed on. Like they work nicely both on an iPhone as well as on a PC screen. For this, RocketCake is a bit more complicated to use then WebsitePainter.

Hope this cleared it up!

2022-08-17 04:33:21

Niko wrote:

With RocketCake, you can do this too, but you can create websites with it, which are responsive.
Meaning that they automatically adjust themselves to the device they are displayed on.
Like they work nicely both on an iPhone as well as on a PC screen.

I wrote perfaps somewhat shorthandedly and in pseudocode this :
"when happy, export entire GUI as single image,
put that in your app and combine with 2d overlay elements,
for info outputs and command interactivity etc. etc. "

i did some work on this idea but did not finish it entirely through.
I got some critique as that my idea is bogus

so my question now is :
am i wrong in my assumption that the html export also produces
usefull js that can help position and size adjust 2doverlay nodes
in the coppercube app when exported as webGL, windows, apple
or android apps ? So that it will automatically scale and position
the GUI determined by the device or screen size the user has.

Ofcourse it needs some additional work to adapt to
CCs JS5 and to get the screen size (in Pixels) and OS right.

2022-08-17 07:03:51

No, but you could probably embed your coppercube app in a webite generated by RocketCake or WebsitePainter. That would likely work.

Registered User
2023-06-10 09:22:48

There's also an FAQ on the websitepainter page answering most of this.

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