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CopperCube Tree Generator

2021-10-18 12:52:46

After thinking that all CopperCube trees could only look the same, I found that with the built-in tool, many different results are actually possible. You have to experiment with the settings and use your own clever textures. Then, for example, you also have the possibility to create fir trees (not bleeding edge, but GOG-ish style )


2021-10-18 12:57:33



... fiddling with images in this forum is strange ...

2021-10-18 13:10:27

Nice to have some variation the leaves still sway in the wind ?

All of the default assets in CopeprCube are fairly basic and can easily be improved upon...textures, player characters, mesh and skyboxes etc..

For snow effects you can get a normal map like shiny look to surface textures using GIMP embossing without actually using a normal map...some of the textures Im working with today look better than some of the Unity materials...(using just the same texture).

2021-10-18 14:01:48

@Robo - yes, wind-swaying is also still possible

I like the way you are motivated about significantly improving the aesthetics of CopperCube graphics. I think this point is often underestimated with our little outsider game engine here. Your results presented on YouTube speak positively for themselves (textures, terrains, LOD ...)

That GIMP embossing workflow which I have been following with interest is one of a cool thing indeed!

I recently also found out how to improve environmental shading/light mapping looks in connection with ambient occlusion texture and vertex color baking (at low polycount costs) from blender to CopperCube. Did you try that before?

2021-10-19 07:25:58

I havent tried vertex baking - not so much although I did create a terrain auto vertex coloring plugin to test out my auto terrain texturing based on slope worked mostly but not smooth and the default CC terrain tools always overide what I did anyway so couldnt use it...sadly.

I have heard that Unreal / Unity can and do use vertex coloring of textures to break up the tiling effect of repeating the same texture and can help.... Using Blender - might be good for inbuilt shading but I use only dynamic lighting so all my shading will be from directional lighting anyways...

2021-10-19 07:42:16

Definitely. The coppercube tree generator is pretty awesome! Can add loads of moving trees without impacting performance. They don't always have to be trees either, you can also use the tree generator to create background creatures such as squids and cave danglers, tentacles - or creepy, trippy hands coming out of the walls etc.

Dead trees also work really well. I haven't found a tree generator yet which can do dead trees as good as CC.

You can also use the grass sim (with the same branch texture as the trees), set the terrain/grass brush to a large size and use it to flesh out the trees by painting near them on the ground.


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