feuertopf Registered User |
2010-02-23 00:08:29 |
I'd like to get the mixed audio data. However, ISoundMixedOutputReceiver does not exist in irrklang.NET.
Is there any hack to accomplish that?
niko Moderator |
2010-02-23 17:00:15 |
Currently this is not supported in .net, sorry. But will be in a future version.
ausi Registered User |
2022-04-24 01:41:12 |
Hi, sorry to revive a 12 year old thread, but did the ISoundMixedOutputReceiver ever get added to the .NET version of irrKlang? I think I have discovered, while looking through the documentation, that is has not been ported over.
If not, did you (feuertopf) ever figure out a reasonable workaround/hack?
niko Moderator |
2022-04-25 09:04:38 |
Yes, it's not in there for .NET, sorry for that. There is no workaround I'd know of.