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[BUG?] Switch ccb file

Registered User
2021-05-19 22:50:54

There seems to be a possible bug[?] I'm encountering with the switch ccb file command and the change scene action.

I made a new scene (which works fine on its own either as a ccb file or as an exe file).....

Whenever I link to it using switch scene - or - switch coppercube file, it doesn't run properly (it does actually switch scenes, but the scene then doesn't work properly).

I get an error: Scene Node is Invalid but not sure which scene node it's referring to.

Is there a way to fix this so that I may switch scenes reliably please?

NB: Appears to be a problem with the Fade Screen action plugin and the Do Something Later. I fixed part of the problem by replacing Do Something Later with a workaround and fixed the fade screen plugin problem by making my own effect and moving a transparent png.


Registered User
2021-05-20 00:09:29

I've used it a couple of times,and no bug appeared maybe cos I haven't used it for complex works...

Registered User
2021-05-24 08:56:08

Thanks for the feedback sulbcon - the scene was just an animated character and a couple of rotating, textured cylinders.

If I get time, I'll try to recreate the problem with a completely empty scene and upload the ccb file here, to see if you get the same problem...

Thank you.

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