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Hyperlink misbehaviour

Registered User
2021-05-10 20:14:37

From time to time hyperlinks will not register when inputting them. I go to Place in the project, search for the page, click on it, and it does not register in the URL window.

I have found if I open that particular page and then follow the above procedure - it works. Could this be a bug in 4.0?

2021-05-11 08:17:40

What do you mean with "it will not register"? You mean you enter the URL in the "Edit hyperlink" dialog, then click ok, and it doesn't change?

Registered User
2021-05-11 09:07:49

When I click on the chosen page nothing appears in the URL panel. It remains blank. As I said this does not happen every time I use this process.

2021-05-11 10:21:07

So you create a hyperlink, and choose as type "page in this project", then select the page, and it doesn't work, correct?

Try the following: Create a new page (Menu "Insert -> Add Page") and select Copy existing page, then select the page which doesn't work to be linked. Then delete the old one. Try to link that page now instead. Does that work for you then?

Registered User
2021-05-16 10:21:59

Hi, I raised this issue back in release 3.5. Since then I have also had instances where the link does not get created in version 4.0
This is exactly the same issue.
The work around as suggested by Niko does work for me, but this is a work around and not a fix.

2021-05-17 12:50:36

Yes, this is a problem with very rarely appears for some users, but can be worked around using the above mentioned method. Not entirely sure yet what is causing this, but trying to improve this with the next update.
If this happens for you, sending in the .rcd helps probably to pin this down.

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Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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