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Does Coppercube support sprite sheets?

Registered User
2021-05-08 16:31:53

Is it possible to use one sprite sheet with multiple sprites on it, rather than using different sprites individually? Basically, does Coppercube support sprite sheets?

Registered User
2021-05-08 17:48:19

depends on what you mean by sprite sheet. CC is an engine for 3D game development. if you mean texture atlases for 3D objects, then the answer is yes. it even has a texture packer to conveniently make atlases for static 3D meshes:

if you mean a sprite sheet for animating a 2D sprite such as Link or Mario then from what I've seen you would have to code that on your own. I'm sure a workaround is possible, but how it could be done without using single images for each frame of animation isn't immediately apparent to me. since my project is 3D, I haven't considered it.

so the answer to question if you are referring to 2D sprites is a resounding: maybe?


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