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Dynamic Animated Health Bar + Download

Registered User
2021-03-21 14:59:29

Here's a simple Dynamic, Customizable Health bar

[How to use]
Attach this to any node that has "Game Actor with Health" behavior attached to them. alternatively, you can point the behavior to your own custom health variable.

[Download] (v1.2)

Let me know if you have any suggestions :)

Registered User
2021-03-22 05:07:52

smnmhmdy wrote:
Here's a simple Dynamic, Customizable Health bar

[How to use]
Attach this to any node that has "Game Actor with Health" behavior attached to them.

[Download] (v1.0)

Let me know if you have any suggestions :)

Awesome Sam!..will give it a try and give you some feedback. Thanks man!

2021-03-22 07:41:54

Nice @smnmhmdy , It can be really helpful to newcomers. It reminds me of the health bar I used in my clone of Age of Empires instead of red & black they were green and red.

Hopefully, this will benefit the community.

Registered User
2021-03-22 20:57:37

hello it's great !!!

How can I make eliminating my enemy also remove the health bar?
Thanks a lot

Registered User
2021-03-23 08:40:21

Just updated the behavior (v1.1) to add optional animated opening and closing, as well as @cristian_emz request to be able to remove the health bar when the enemy dies. Make sure to re attach the behavior.

@creaturefreak @just_in_case Thanks :) Yeah I was reading some old thread about how to have health bars and I thought there's an easier way of doing it that might come in handy for the community :)

Registered User
2021-09-05 21:06:19

Just updated the behavior to v1.2, Now there is a way to have the health bar as a static 2d overlay on the screen, and there is a new custom health variable which you can use if you're not using the behavior on the built-in AI system :)

- Display2d: Boolean which you can turn on if you want the health bar to be static
- YPositionPercent2d, XPositionPercent2d: Can be used to change the 2d static overlays position on the screen (percentage)
- ExternalHealthVariable: A CopperCube variable you wish to use as the behaviors health value

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