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Organizing Actions

2021-03-20 09:50:34

Allright, so yesterday I came up with an idea to organize actions in a somewhat better way and the idea is working as expected.

So the idea was to create a Dummy Folder with a Custom name for actions and then one can use that dummy folder to put all the actions there.

So here I present you the Action which creates a dummy folder(action)

How To Use:-

in order to use the action, you need to first attach a
beforeFirstDrawing do something
behavior to your root scene node.
then to that behavior attach the scripted action
Create Dummy folder to organize Actions

The action will provide you two options.
option 1 will allow you to have a custom name for your dummy folder.
option 2 will allow you to give a custom name to the action that will show up in that dummy folder.
provide whatever name you want in those options.

now just test your game as windows EXE by pressing CTRL+F10 and then close it.

Now reload and verify the extensions and plugins by using the shortcutCTRL+~, if you have my additional shortcuts installer installed to your Coppercube.

If you don't have Installed then you can go to edit and then plugins and then can use the option reload and verify extensions and plugins.

Now go to nay behavior in which you want to add the Dummy Folder, and now go to scripted actions and search for the name which you have given to your dummy folder. and use it to attach your actions.

Note:- you can change the name of the dummy folder unlimited time, all you have to do is to change it in the behavior before first drawing where the action is attached. Just change the name there when you want to create a new folder with a Different name.
then just Test the app as windows Exe and then reload and verify extensions and now if you go to your actions you will be provided with your new folder name.

previously created dummy folders will remain unchanged.

Download the Action from here:-

you can join my Discord server here if you have any questions regarding this actions:

2021-03-20 10:03:25

So here is what's going behind the curtains.

This action creates another action during the runtime of the application and modifies it each time it is executed with the values provided in the first Action.

it uses ccbWriteFileContent() command to create a new action.
and it also uses system command to get the username of the windows to set the correct destination to write the file.
it also creates a .tmp file and delete it as soon as the action is executed so that there will be no additional residual left to the user's disk.

I wanted to create it as plugin so that you don't have to run the app each time you modify the folder name but unfortunately ccbwritefilecontent command is not supported in the editor, So I have to go with creating it as an Action.

This is just to remind that you can use system commands,can also be used to do network integration maybe for multiplayer games.

hopefully, this can help you in remembering what actions performs what.

For example I want all of my javascript action in one folder named as javascript then I can create a dummy action folder with name as javascript and then can put all of my execute javascript actions there.
same goes for animations and all.

The usage seems to be a bit complicated but will be really helpful if you are going to use a lot of actions and behaviors and don't want to get lost that what action is doing what.

you can just define a folder name for set of actions so that you can easily get to know what is doing what.

This is created mainly because of @veganpete as he was having difficulty doing this. He was writing it down all the things in a notebook maybe he can now just create dummy folders to recognize where the specific actions lies.

Hope this helps.

Registered User
2021-03-22 09:30:41

Thanks for taking the time to make this just_in_case !

Oh wow, so this is kinda like a "rename action" plugin - that perfect; I always hoped for something like this!

It works really well, it will definitely help me to be able to identify actions in the future.

Do you know of a way I can put my existing actions into your dummy folders - or will I need to create new dummy folders first, then recreate the actions inside those dummy folders?

Thank you!

2021-03-22 14:36:51

glad that you find it useful. Unfortunately no currently there is no way that you can rename or use dummy folders for your existing actions. You need to recreate all the existing actions inside new dummy folders if you plan to use the dummy folders. but for your future game development, this can be a handy action.

Registered User
2021-03-30 07:41:00

Hey, no problem at all - I'll take the time each day to go through my existing actions 1-by-1 and convert them over to make it easier for me (it'll also give me a chance to remind me of how I structured the game in the first place).

I really appreciate this feature, definitely will be super helpful for me to be able to name all the actions in the scene!

2021-03-30 10:21:07

That will be a lot of work redoing all the actions. I wish if there were some easy way of doing this.

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