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Path finding

2021-03-15 14:56:34

Is there anything available? On the forum

It is a more advanced subject.
Also because most game don't have perfect binary tree's
I can find code but it does not run in copperue , to heavy, engine hangs.
So behavior or at action or coppercube specific help is welcome.

My code was found in

Data structures and Algorithms with JavaScript. O'Reilly

2021-03-16 16:18:21

@smnmhmdy has created A* pathfinding system for CopperCube you can contact him on his discord and can purchase the plugin from him.

2021-03-17 06:58:10

I find also difficult how to implement.

Also would prefer crowd fund for cc community

Just found this: github. Anvaka javascript pathfinder across large city
Try it. Bleeding fast

Very impressive

Anyway thanks for answer

I will get it working eventually, I like developing this way


2021-03-20 23:33:09

Path finding in javascript real fast

to get some inspiration

2021-04-15 21:45:25

I think I have a working pathfinding (BFS) routine for CC
that is to say; the samples are all working, I can set a startpoint and a endpoint and then I get a route.

BUT pathfinding on my own data does not work at all.
Does anybody know what to do ???

I think it has to do with the notation of my data

I have 11 vertexes and 13 edges in a graph
unweighted and undirected.
1 vertex has 1 edge, I use this one currently as my starting off point vertex(0) with the first edge.

the other vertexes have all 2 or more edges.

Does anybody know a solution ?

Registered User
2021-05-17 21:19:03

Is there a way to randomly have a AI enemy pursue a player, along alternate routes, maybe somekind of chance system, just like rolling a die In D&D, and you would already have many seperate possible animations and routes laid out as to what the AI could do? It doesn't have be perfect...
If someone could help with the math and the javascript syntax for something like that, it would be really appreciated...Thanx:)

Registered User
2021-05-17 21:26:18

I just took a look at the github tutorial provided and am in awe...Sorry I did not look at that before my last post...Please stay in touch, anyone that wants to collaborate with me, I am former english major that loves to write sci fi and fantasy and loves drawing and working on video game ideas...I'm also Decent with Blender and Fragmotion and Unity and have lots of opensource 3d assets...

Registered User
2021-05-17 21:42:50

JustInCase, Dawbe, I am having trouble with logging on to discord, I would like to contact @smnmhmdy and see if he can help me with pathfinding. Can either of you help?

2021-05-18 02:37:09

Sure, I can help. I will let him know that you want to contact him and he will be replying to this thread shortly. If that helps

Registered User
2021-05-18 08:58:20

hey @smaugreturns_82 how can I help you?

2021-05-18 18:38:15

Ambitiously I would like help to create a more advanced AI, particulary one that hide behind cover and try and work it's way around the main character and find ambush locations (for an FPS), much like the game StarHawk for PS3.
Alternatively, if I can get help actually organizing and placing the syntax for an array specifically into a coppercube action/behavior, to basically mathmatically record positions and store it in code, for routes for an AI character that would help.
I see the ideas of how code and logic works in my mind, but don't know how to organize it. I know that i need to have "fields", for paramaters and variables at the top, but have searched and not found any instructions on how to structure a coppercube action, from the top to the bottom. Didn't see anything in the CC manual that was clear to me.
I read the examples of code in the Javascript scripting reference in the manual, read actions and behaviors made by others, but what exactly is onanimate and onexecute, .prototype, and when should I use this.moveby etc.

2021-05-18 18:46:57

Also, if anyone is decent at scripting, I have some GDDs (Game Design Documents) and storylines that I've developed, as well know-how in Blender, Bryce, Sculptris, Paintshop, Sketchup, Carrara, Video Editing apps, Daz3D, GameGuru (I have purchased some of the model packs from steam as well)
My most ambitious goal with coppercube would to make 3d game, that would be a scifi RPG, somewhat of a hybrid of endless sky/escape velocity (for those of you haven't played it, Endless Sky is a free download) and Elderscrolls (Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim) . with a mix of team based combat (Tribes 2/Battlefront 2)

For loops
2021-05-18 20:16:28

Also, i have read about others asking about do and for loops,
and would like to learn myself how to implement them in a coppercube behavior/action...

2021-05-19 08:45:01

Basically, we just need "Follow Path" as an action, rather than a behaviour. I read recently that Niko is working on this.

Then we could switch between paths using variables and "If" statements.

A workaround I use at the moment is to clone the same character (all with different paths and behaviours) then switch between the characters as and when required.

For example:

I have a non game-character model follow a path, then "on proximity" to the player, I switch (hide/unhide) an AI version of the same model who will follow/attack the player instead of the path. Then I use the "move AI" action to move the AI model back to the position of the path model, then switch (hide/unhide) the back to the "Follow Path" version of the model again.

The result is a character which follows a path but then attacks the player when in range, then goes back to the path when the player is out of range.

Using the "If variable $=?" and the "Move AI to position" commands, you can pretty much add as much variety in AI movement as you like, then switch between models by hiding/unhiding them - just use the "change position of a scene node" function so that they're always in the same place (when you hide/unhide the nodes) to make it seamless.

*Obviously this is without any scripting and is a little complex so a script version would be neater/more efficient.

For loops
2021-05-19 10:44:03

Very impressive problem solving...I thought about using the "replace node with other node" option, and thought about chaining a set of animated meshes to a cube and then toggling their visibility in different situations. Thank you so much:)

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