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A small tip for CopperCubers

2021-03-06 03:32:04

Don't know how many of you already uses this or not but
Here is a tip for all those who wants to create vehicle games or just any kind of game. Always use empty nodes, for referring positions and all.

You might at some point or another need to change the pivot point of a 3D model in your game as rotation and proximity works with the pivot point of the object (generally center of the object).

you can create an empty node and position it to wherever you want your pivot point for the model and then use polygon tools to merge empty with the model.

Example :- in cars rotation occurs from the point of front wheels. if you ever tried coppercube default behavior with move with keyboard with a vehicle then you might have noticed while driving the rotation seems a bit strange. this is not because the idle car (non-moving) can still be rotated with arrow keys.

This is due to position of pivot point or you can say point of rotation or center of mass.
If you change the pivot point to front wheels then it will look much better. even when the car is in idle state and you try to rotate it. It will look like as if it is drifting.

You can use this with doors/hinges and other sort of thing wherever you need to change the pivot point. You can also move the geometry of the object using polygon tools but then it will actually move the geometry of the 3D models.

Same principal work for freezing rotation and scale of the model. Scale your 3D model or rotate it and when you want to freeze the rotation and scale to (1,1,1). then merge an empty node with it. I don't use this method anymore because there is a plugin available to freeze scale and rotation and normalize normal.

but changing Pivot point location is super usefull. And using empty nodes. For Proximity, as you are already aware proximity behavior works with the pivot of the object.You can use empty nodes and can make them children of your model and then position the empty node from where you want you proximity to trigerred.
and now instead of assigning proximity behavior to the base mesh you can assign them to the children (empty nodes).

using empty nodes will not impact your gameplay.

In order to create an empty node I would like to recommend creating a spheremesh with no radius (zero) and zero poly count.

Hopefully this little tip will be useful.

2021-03-06 08:50:58

this is nice just_in_case

I'm already a huge fan of empty root nodes for a lot things especially when in comes to animation triggering by keys which I find more reliable by exchanging mesh clones with different strict defined initial animations for the purpose.

Until now I've used cubes with transparent alpha textures for that, but I'll try your empty sphere tip, sounds interesting & easy.
Thanks for it!

2021-03-08 03:23:26


I used tiny plane meshes for tat and no tex

Also useful as camera dolly points

2021-03-08 05:27:22

@Hadoken yup using no geometry will have no impact on the gameplay. So instead of using cubes or anything else with transparent texture will increase some polygons count. You can use a cube with zero value or any other object with zero values.

@DouweDabbe there are lots of uses of empty nodes. glad that many of you are already using empty nodes. As I recommended above don't use scaled meshes or tiny meshes with no texture. you can simply create an object with zero value. that way it won't take any polycount.

2021-03-15 14:40:04

My Tip Texture Librar

Make a plane mesh, subdivide, give all segments a different material.
Export as .obj.
Edit .mtl file, and give all material segments unique texture.
Load obj in ccoppercue and adapt textures as needed.

Cc will fuse texture slots if same file name.

Handy for all the dynamic textures.

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