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Thirdperson Camera and Player Controller + Download

Registered User
2021-11-04 19:58:29

I was notified about a bug which caused the extension to break, just posted the fixed version (1.7.1), sorry for the late update!

[Download] v1.7.1

Make sure to replace the new scripts with the old ones in your documents folder, there is no need to reload and verify extensions in CC since none of the parameters were altered.

Registered User
2021-12-10 17:02:43

A new update (v1.8) is available, It is strongly recommended to update your existing projects to this version.
Make sure to reload the extension since it adds new editor parameters :)

- Updated the camera controller, by rewriting it to use a different orbiting method, and be more flexible than the previous version:
-- Moving the camera while in extreme angles now feels much more natural.
-- "angleClamp" now works perfectly, its default value is 87 now.
-- Collision detection is improved as well, specially when used with Shoulder view or Smooth follow, no more buggy vision and controls!

- Added passive Camera shake functionality, which will give the camera a handheld look. there are two new parameters associated with this: "cameraShakeStrength" and "cameraShakeSpeed". It is on by default, you can turn it off by setting "cameraShakeStrength" to 0 or below.

- Improved the Smooth follow feature significantly, it works and feels much better now, and is a lot closer to the Dark Souls style I had in mind initially! Make sure to give it another try if you didn't like how it felt in the previous version.

- Added a new JS variable "smTPCAMERA.mouseInputFPSIndependence" which is false by default, and can be set to true to enable fps independent camera handling, this is not required, but you can try enabling it if you're having camera control issues.

- Changed a few small things to make sure everything works well with the new 250 fps cap.

- "alwaysFaceCamDir" will snap the players rotation into place, instead of slowly turning the player.

- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the walking/running/jumping animation to get cut off while moving around on an sticky surface.

2021-12-12 13:13:43

thanks for this great extension! I tried v1.8 but the player will not rotate with the camera using alwaysfacecam, im i missing something ?

2021-12-12 13:24:36

got it to work I just needed to add the controller behaviour again

Registered User
2021-12-13 22:57:04

This current version 1.8 is wonderful! The shaky camera is very neat - can make the feeling of the environment more alive! Thanks a lot!

(and as coa said before me - when updating, dont forget to also delete and add the behaviour again if you are already using it in your game/work)

2021-12-21 11:52:39

Where can i download 1.8 ???

Registered User
2021-12-21 11:56:39

On the first page of this thread :)

FGBTUBE3 wrote:
Where can i download 1.8 ???

Registered User
2022-01-01 15:24:48

I downloaded and tried the demo. Walking does not work - dude just slides around. The whole thing is rather clunky - not smooth at all. Is that Coppercube as usual?

Thanks for the attempt at a decent 3rd person cam. Coppercube really cannot be used to make anything worth selling.


Registered User
2022-01-01 15:49:55

Hey Mike @karmacomposer, that should not be the case, can you try running this as well to see if the problem persists?

Edit: Turns out it was a bug that would only occur if the fps was above ~200, thanks for letting me know, will post an update in a minute, other than that there seems to be no other issue, could you please explain why it feels clunky to you? Regards

Registered User
2022-01-01 19:04:02

Just posted a quick hotfix update (1.8.1) to fix a bug that would cause the walking animation to not play when the fps was above ~200, Happy new year!

[Download] 1.8.1:

2022-01-10 11:43:05

Smnmhndy No need to reason with these type of people, all they do is to comeback every few months, complain about everything and then leave again - in fact there are a bunch of these trolls in this forum

The whole thing is rather clunky - not smooth at all. Is that Coppercube as usual?

What is your definition of a smooth camera system exactly? All I see is a perfectly smooth behavior far beyond anything i thought would be possible with coppercube.

Thanks for the attempt at a decent 3rd person cam. Coppercube really cannot be used to make anything worth selling.

You are not only devaluing coppercube (and niko's work) and everyone who use it, but you are also devaluing this individuals contribution.
No one is forcing you to use coppercube, if you don't like it and think its a worthless piece of software just don't use it, simple as that.

2022-01-11 06:52:09

hi im using v 1.8 and i works great except for when i set the game in fullscreen the camera rotates by itself any idea why ?

Registered User
2022-01-13 12:51:38

Hey @guest, thank you for the kind words, I don't think they were trying to troll or berate anyone or anything specifically, that's why I asked them to explain further, to try to understand what they think is wrong and how it can be improved, to hopefully make a better product at the end of the day, Anyhow they pointed out a bug and I'm thankful for that, regardless of what their intentions were :)

Hey @coa what is your screen resolution? and can you put this code at line 404 directly after the '}' and tell me what it prints out when you run the game? Thanks!
print("x: " + this.xAxis + " / y: " + this.yAxis);

2022-01-13 21:17:08

my screen res is 1920 1080

the print out says x: -0.1 y:-0.1 when fullscreen

2022-01-14 01:44:35

Hey smnmhmdy,

let me say thank you for your great contribution. There are always the naysayers. I also complain a lot, but only about the documentation.

I think coppercube and copperlicht are very powerful, esp. in comparation on the webGL field. Of course one can always design a scene badly, ending up with 5 fps and jumpy things, but smoothly rendering level design is beyond the scope of coppercube know-how, that's general and advanced game design skills.

I also wrote a camera controller fps and tps, a year ago or so, but when controlling the camera by code, I always had the problem of the collision response not being in synch with my update task, so I gave up. But your cam looks good as far as I see.

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