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Index file has gone wrong - need help

Registered User
2020-12-14 15:13:43

Basically the index.html file for one of my projects has lost a lot of it's formatting. How this happened is complicated and I'm not too sure how to get it back to how it was.
The editor-view will show how it should look, or how it did look in browser-view. Where should I upload the .rcd file plus any other files that would be needed? Thanks if anyone can help.

Registered User
2020-12-14 17:28:45

That sounds like you forgot to upload your .css file?
Is the page looking like just text?

Registered User
2020-12-14 19:03:44

The project is currently saved to local disk, so the index css file is in the same folder as the index html file.
What happened was this:
I created a two-column table in the index html file and then did the following to make the columns equall width:-

Go to View > HTML Code of page > select 'Additional CSS styles' from the drop-down menu. I then add following in the editing box:

table {
table-layout: fixed ;
width: 100% ;
td {
width: 50% ;

I then saved the file and looked at preview. That's when I noticed all formatting had gone.

I then removed the table clause from the css file, but this made no difference.

What do I do?

Registered User
2020-12-14 22:31:10

I need some help with this, OK?

2020-12-15 06:49:07

Difficult to say without seeing it, but from the code you posted, it appears to be incomplete, which probably broke you design. You maybe have some code still in there somewhere which is causing this.

If you cannot find the problem, just send it to support (support -> contact), and I will try to find it for you.

Registered User
2020-12-16 04:00:08

Yes, entering the following code must have been what caused it.

table {
table-layout: fixed ;
width: 100% ;
td {
width: 50% ;

The reason I did this at all, is because it worked OK for another project where I wanted table columns to be equall widths.

Anyway, in the end I couldn't solve the problem, so I deleted the index file and then added another page based on an existing one and then renamed it as index html, then edited it accordingly, so I'm OK now. :)

Thank you for your help.

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