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Does CopperCube work better with copperLicht? extending it is possible?

Registered User
2020-11-19 06:02:58

is it my impression or is coppercube better using webgl? I did some tests for the browser and the graphics quality was good and everything seems to work lighter! I added trees in order to test the FPS and still get 54 to 59.

Is there a possibility to extend copperlicht?
I saw that some 3d javascript engines add functions like materials and light and effects over time Babylonjs and Threejs!

would it be possible to add these elements even for copperlicht?
Niko what would be the best way for me to add things to the copperlicht library?

Please answer someone!

2021-03-21 06:59:43

I f you have:

mygame.ccb that thru compile setting results in mygame.exe .
then you can have a mygame.js as global library file for your app according to the help somewhere.

but I am having the problem that my action can not import a data type from that library to create an instance of it.

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