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Error While Saving - Erased Data Instead

2020-10-30 04:15:33

I was in the process of saving data, which I do frequently, and it took a little longer than normal, said there was an error giving the response to abort, retry, or cancel. And then everything closed out. When I tried to open it again, it showed only a blank index page as though I had opened a new file. The file still had the same name but it was only 2k in size now and all the data was gone.

Hundreds of hours had went into this, so it was a little soul-crushing to say the least.

I had recently upgraded from free version to professional, so I can't say that I'm all that satisfied with the purchase.

I know there isn't any way to recover the lost data, but just thought others might want to know.

Registered User
2020-10-30 06:08:45

Didn't you make a Backup? Always do backups.

From your description, it sounds like your disk might be full.But not sure. Remember what the message box exactly said?

If your project is large, it also might help to use the 64bit version of rocketcake instead.

Registered User
2020-10-30 11:07:03

I always do the following:
After each change to the project I use 'save as' and add the name. project 1-1; project 1-2 etc.

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